
A Thanksgiving Wish…

Dear Friends,

Treasure the Holiday Season and support the 7th Annual LAMP Community gift drive!

This year add a personal touch to your charity gift giving. Over 700 men and women who reside in housing facilities provided by LAMP Community in LA's Skid Row are given the opportunity to ask for one item that they would like for Christmas: simple things that you and I take for granted.
Those who have participated in this fantastic program in past years would tell you that this is “the best part of their holiday”
Simply pick one gift from a list, wrap it and mark it with the name of the person you’ve chosen and their shelter by Dec 19th!
Please contact us and we will provide you as many folks as you care to help this season!!
Gifts can be dropped off at any Sotheby’s office before Dec 19th. Please contact Boni or Joe at 310.888.3866 or email Boni at: Boni.Bryant@SothebysRealty.com
For more info on Lamp; go to http://www.lampcommunity.org/

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!


First Time Buyer Program

I read about this “first-time buyer” program where the state “loans” you the down payment with no interest which doesn’t get paid back until you sell your home.

I was surprised to learn that, especially in Los Angeles County; you can earn A LOT of money and still qualify.

Go to www.calhfa.ca.gov for more info.
