
Reassessment Tax FAQ

With falling home prices, thousands of local home owners are having their properties reassessed. If you are poised to receive tax relief from reassessment of your own accord or through a scheduled review, here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions:

Can I instigate a reassessment on my property?
Yes, the process is relatively simple with no special expertise needed to request a free assessment. The LA county assessors office has made every effort to make it taxpayer and home-owner friendly. It is not a hard system.

What information do I need?

AddressProperty assessor #
Purchase priceAssessed value from tax bill
Your opinion of property value
Prop description
2 comps sold (optional)
Backup material (optional)

I get mailers from private companies offering the same service. Are these private companies helpful?
There is much debate as to the ethics of these companies. They may charge up to 45% of your tax relief for something you can do yourself for little to no trouble.

Where else can I get more info? Click below:

As always, we are here to help in any way we can. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have in today's real estate jungle!

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